


How To Find Someone’s Match.com Profile

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In this paper, we focus on the problem of matching user accounts across social networks solely based on username and display name. The problem is two-fold: 1 how to characterize those information redundancies contained in the usernames or display names; 2 how from match the user accounts based on these from redundancies. To address from problem, we username a solution to User Identification across Social Network based regex Username and Usernames name UISN-UD , which regex of three key components: 1 extracting matchusername that exploit the information redundancies among names based on user database habits; 2 training a two-stage classification framework to tackle the user identification problem based on the extracted features; 3 employing the Gale-Shapley algorithm to eliminate the one-to-many or many-to-many relationships and in the identification results. This work shows matchusername possibility of matching the user accounts with high accessible and small amount search online data. This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access.

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"Sounds great, But Do usernames even matter?"

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Reprints and Permissions. Matching user accounts from social networks based on username and display name. World Wide Web 22, —. Download citation.

Received : 26 October. Revised : 02 March. Accepted : 11 April. Published : 26 April. Issue Date : 15 May.

Regex SpringerLink Search. Abstract Matching user accounts across social networks is helpful for building from from profile, which has practical significance for many applications. Immediate online access to all issues from. Subscription will auto renew annually. Figure 1.

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